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If you are Contract Supervisor, Contract Primary POC, Budget Manager, Project Manager or Technical Director on a project, you would see your projects show up here. |
One central place to supercharge your project lifecycle activities
Project Data
Find info on current & former projects, including contractual & financial details, descriptions of the work, contract & project documents, & more.
Country Vine
Find info on country offices, registration, local HR, office leases, & more.
Reporting Vine
Create & view reports focused on projects, funder info, country office data, proposals, procurement, & more.
You can find project produced documents in Vine, like annual reports or newsletters, as well as journal articles & capability statements in the Knowledgebase.
Procurement & Subawards
Vine enables you to access procurement & sub-award activities on projects globally.
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Whats New!
starSearch, more than just keywords
Vine has always provided a way to search on keywords to get to the right projects, proposals or procurement information. But there are many scenarios where most important data is actually recorded on project description, proposal description or notes field. Searching through multiple fields requires a context understanding and making sure search is more than keyword search.
Starting today, Vine will help users to do more with correlative search.
For example, as a user I know there is one project that requires international travel but we dont have any one on the ground there. So now when you start typing "international travel no one on the ground", you will see how correlative search works to bring together several different fields to answer your request.
Along with these changes, users can now press enter key to list all results in a list view. List view will provide access to matched results across the scopes. It also enables users to open multiple results in multiple tabs.
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